
A conceptual UX/UI project

Incredi is a revolutionary personal credit-management app designed to combat financial discrimination by providing users with the tools and resources needed to understand, monitor, and enhance their credit scores. By offering features such as credit score tracking, credit score improvement tips, program reviews, and seamless credit card applications; Incredi aims to empower individuals to take control of their financial health and access better opportunities.


Incredi is dedicated to empowering individuals through its personal credit-management app, combating financial discrimination by providing comprehensive tools and resources to understand, monitor, and improve credit scores.


  • Personal finance

  • Technology

  • Financial inclusivity

  • Credit management

my role

As a design generalist, I spearheaded this project through each design phase: conducting research, defining users, designing the app layout via wireframes, and testing the potential user experience.


Before 2004, Livermore’s First Street was State Route 84 running through downtown and providing easy cut-through commute traffic. Even for most residents, the downtown was a place to pass through, not a destination. Now that the freeway has been rerouted, the downtown is a bustling, beautiful community space full of restaurants, retail stores, and events. Livermore Downtown is now struggling with how to communicate, market, and inform people outside of Livermore of all it has to offer. Additionally, consumers are overwhelmed by the all of options and unsure of where to spend their time.

In Short: Livermore Downtown transformed from a thoroughfare to a vibrant hub post-2004 freeway rerouting, now tackling marketing challenges and consumer choice overwhelm.


The UX research for this product is focused in understanding user behaviors, preferences, and pain points within the context of credit management.

The UX research for this product is focused in understanding user behaviors, preferences, and pain points within the context of credit management.

Empathize with user

User Story: As a young adult, I want to find resources so that he can set himself up for success.

User Story: As a local advocate, I want to find new things to do so that I can support new businesses.

User Story: As a mom, I want to discover what businesses cater to families so that I do not waste time.


Problem Statement: The user is a parent who needs to easily monitor their credit score because they are trying to qualify for a loan.

Hypothesis: If the user can download an app, then they can quickly check their financial status in a simple and accessible way.

Value Proposition: This app will provide a one-stop solution for navigating the complicated and over-saturated world of personal finance. This app will be an essential tool for anyone seeking to improve their financial well-being and protect against financial discrimination.

What does the product do? A comprehensive personal credit-management app designed to empower users by providing them with the tools and resources needed to understand, monitor, and improve their credit scores. A one-stop solution for individuals looking to navigate the complexities of credit management, combat financial discrimination, and take control of their financial health to access better opportunities.

Why should the user care? An app to empower users to take control of their financial futures, access better opportunities, and protect themselves against unfair treatment, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their financial health.

Which of my users’ needs or problems are the most important ones for my design to address? 

  1. Understanding Credit Scores: Many users may lack knowledge about how credit scores work and their impact on financial opportunities. The design should focus on providing clear explanations and educational resources to help users understand the importance of credit scores.

  2. Monitoring Credit Scores: Users need a convenient and reliable way to monitor their credit scores regularly. The design should prioritize providing real-time or frequent updates on credit scores, ensuring users can stay informed about their financial standing.

  3. Access to Financial Opportunities: Financial discrimination can limit individuals' access to loans, credit cards, and other financial opportunities. The design should aim to empower users by providing tools and resources to overcome barriers and access better financial options.

How might my design address these needs or problems in effective and unique ways that create value for users?

  1. Personalized Credit Score Insights: Offering detailed breakdowns of factors influencing users scores, along with actionable recommendations tailored to their specific financial situation and goals.

  2. Gamified Credit Score Improvement Challenges: Introducing gamification elements to incentivize users to improve their credit scores actively. Including challenges or achievements tied to specific credit score milestones, with rewards such as discounts on financial products or entries into prize drawings.

  3. Community Support and Peer Learning: Foster a supportive online community within the app where users can share experiences, tips, and advice related to credit management. Encourage users to interact with each other, ask questions, and offer guidance, creating a collaborative environment that promotes peer learning and empowerment. Reminding users they are not alone in this struggle.


Product Goal Statement: Our webpage will let users improve their personal finance which will affect their credit scores by providing them an accessible and simple credit monitoring platform. We will measure effectiveness by how much users credit scores improve.

Competitive Audit

There are several competitors to our product on the market. Through analyzing direct competition, we can ideate on both their strengths and weaknesses. We found that much of the negative feedback centers around the overwhelming and intimidating nature of competitors' apps, which fail to explain financial terms such as utilization, amortization, and collateral.

HMW Exercise

  • How might we make keeping track of your finances a fun competition? 

  • How might we create a way to make personal finances stressful?

  • How might we make a immersive experience? 

  • How might we keep the user engaged?

  • How might we make a way for users to not need to monitor their score?

  • How might we make the process less stressful for users?

Crazy 8

